Collabstr | Promote with Bery Romo (@beryistanbultips) | Instagram & YouTube Influencer
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Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo
Photo of Bery Romo

Bery Romo | Travel content creator

Istanbul, Turkey
Instagram logo 0.0k Followers
YouTube logo 0.0k Followers
I’m a travel content creator specialized in Türkiye/Turkey travel tips. I love showing the beauty of this country through its unique culture, history, food and daily life.
How Collabstr worksHow does it work?
1 Instagram Story
I will publish a 1-3 frame story where I will share the product or service to my audience and, most importantly, why they should get it. Additionally…See More
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1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will create a post describing the product or service to my followers and, most importantly, why they should get it. Additionally, I will share a di…See More
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1 Instagram Reel (45 Seconds)
I will create a 45-60 sec reel describing the product or service to my audience and, most importantly, why they should get it. Additionally, I will s…See More
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1 YouTube Video (60 Seconds)
I will create a 60-90 sec integrated ad within one of my videos where I will describe the product or service to my audience and, most importantly, wh…See More
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Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
Bery Romo's portfolio content
5 Reviews  ·  4.9
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 100,000 across the globe.
December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 100,000 across the globe.


Who is your audience?

My audience ranges from 18 to 65 years old, people who love to travel, digital nomads, food and travel enthusiasts, budget-friendly to high-end budget tourists, people who want to learn basic phrases for traveling. On my YouTube channel my top 5 audiences are as follow: USA 15%, United Kingdom 10.4%, India 9.8%, Türkiye 7.4% and Canada 3.8%. On my Instagram is as follows: USA 11.7%, Türkiye 7.2%, United Kingdom 7.1%, India 6.6% and Pakistan 5.2%. My work has been featured twice in CNN Travel and Daily Sabah, the latter being one of the English online newspapers with the highest views within Türkiye.

What brands have you worked with?

Wise (Transferwise), Nomad e-SIM, Busuu, Paysend, Surfshark VPN, Topdeck Travel, WayAway IO, Health Eterna, Reminder Tour, Canela Cave Hotel Cappadocia, Çınar (carpet shop)